Sunday, August 11, 2013

Is it always wise to divorce someone over money?

  In America, we have this believe that one can buy morality. Basically, If it don't make money it don't make sense. After all, the capitol in capitalism lives blood is based off the green dollar bill and not the red stuff pumping though your veins. I have noticed in the media it is common knowledge that money is the most common reason why relationships fail, very rarely do we take ones 'character' in to primary consideration. One's character is defined by the things they do and not by how they do it. So I would like to take time to appreciate, all of those successful marriages in which money was the object of their survival and not of their affection.

 Let's break this subject down financially. Let's assume you are rich, millionaire entertainer and your spouse was some charming guy or gal you just met on the street. You get married have a couple kids and then the worst happens. For whatever reason, your spouse all of a sudden wants a divorce and demands alimony, child support, and your house.....did this person actually realize the grave error they just made. Let's assume you only make a million dollars a year and your ex-spouse wins the court case. After the legal fees are paid, they get they few thousand dollars of Alimony and child support is only 15% of your spouse income....Good job dummy. Now you are successful in the middle class making getting paid 150,000 dollars a year living in neighborhood full of millionaires instead of being a millionaire You will be broke by the end of that year from the property taxes alone. You see it happen all the time on T.V. many celebratory ex-spouses die broke for a reason.

 Now, lets say you are a poor couple. Both of you make minimum wage and you met each other on the street. You both have a couple of children, one loose their job. Now you supporting a family on minimum wage and you fee that the 'burden' is too much. You getting tired and frustrated because you no longer have any money left over. Feeling like you are the adult in the you decided to get a divorce. You figure it would be cheaper this way to get rid of the dead weight. So, you leave them, keep the kids, apply for child support. You get rewarded and the courts require the spouse to get a job.....Good Job dummy. How you are gonna get 15% of nothing a month to support two children. Now you will have to feed at least 3 three people on one person's income, child support paying you an amount less than the grocery bill. More than likely will have to be dependent upon the welfare system only getting the benefits of two people in a house of 3. No matter how you look at it, Rick or Poor, you loose either way. Let not even get to mentioning the court fees.

  Don't let me get how stupid it is to end a relationship in which both people are working and one is 'dissatisfied' with the other simply because of the "struggle" me like the problem with the millionaire...two income are always better than one. Even worst when children are involved...frankly a piece of a check won't cover the cost of children.  To many greedy and selfish individuals who rely on child support fit in this category.

  May older men has always told me this "You don't want a woman who sit around and wait on you to get home form work"

 Now this proverb can mean many things. A good woman knows how to keep herself entertained, perhaps. A good woman goes out and get a job, maybe. A good woman job is never done despite her employment status...exactly. No matter how you put it a good woman or man, married or not will be a person of character. Mind you, They mention women because these were men married to a naturally they would talk about a woman. However the rules are no different for a man. A man can't make money if he up under his wife all day.

 I noticed how all of these men mentioned something that most single-minded people never think about, Supplemental Income. When you think about it. One must work to make money, so when you work for yourself you actually save money. If you have an spare adult around the house, you have someone to babysit the children thus saving you thousands of dollars a year on daycare. Medical reasons, if you or a child get sick. You don't necessarily have to reply on hiring medical attention for that child or leave them alone and pray that child condition isn't terminal. Security is a big one, hey unless you can teach your dog how to dial 9-1-1 or how to use a shotgun. You really can't beat having a living in sentry. Take that A.D.T. home security. Ladies, if you have a man who doesn't work he can cook and clean like any other woman can....cut the grass, and do all necessarily chorus that you may not feel comfortable doing without hiring someone else to handle it.

 However, it is true you can't eat love and pay bills with kindness. You can still bring in more income to the side via other sources. One option, welfare. Generally someone who receives welfare makes an combined income about 1/3 that of what considered the 'cost of living' in a local area. So, lets go back to the two imaginary kids. As a single working parent you can only get benefits for those children, however if you are married, the spouse who isn't working can get benefits for the entire house. So now, you will get benefits for 4 people thus a minimum wage job clearly wasn't intended to support a family. Even if it is something as simple as food stamps that still goes up to roughly 200 dollars PER PERSON. This not to mention the various other programs that may help, out the family.  True its not luxurious by far, however, the benefits of team work far weight the advantages of divorce.

...That's not all my friends. There is money all around us. If the black community can pay dope dealers 10,000 thousands of dollars a year and all they do is sit around with drugs wrapped around they musty balls sags and sweaty titties...or ass cracks.... You really have no excuse as to why you can't contribute. I am not promoting the idea of selling drugs but there are legal options available such as donating plasma and making approx. 200-300 dollars tax free. Learn a crafts, go to college (hell a college loan is a hell of a lot faster than a pawnshop loan or cash advanced...ever notice how check cashing places always play pimp music) or you could even become a blogger and get paid for it.

 In conclusion, is it always wise to divorce someone over money.... No. You divorce someone who is lazy. If you are associated, married, dating, or even friends with someone who isn't willing to work their keep....don't keep them. Thick or thin, no matter how rough the times maybe. Character is what really matters.  

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